Data Analytics Career Track

Mentor Support | 1:1 Mentorship By Industry Experts | Online | 6 Months Long

Data Analytics Bootcamp: Train with Industry Experts. Job Guaranteed

Get trained on both technical and business skills that hiring managers are looking for. Get mentored to ace the interviews and win the job and salary you deserve.

Get the training guaranteed to land you a job, designed to fit in your schedule.

A data analytics career is a very lucrative one and this training is guaranteed to kickstart a successful career in data analytics. Learn with industry-leading mentors in 1-on-1 sessions, perfectly merged with career coaches and student advisors. You can learn at your own pace, pay when you land a job, and build your beautiful career with no crazy hustles.

Unlimited mentor support

Enjoy weekly meetings with your mentor with direct phone access whenever you need help.

Gain hands-on experience

Curated course syllabus reveals in-depth technical skills with each project completed.

Career support & job guarantee

Take advantage of career coaches, mentors, and student advisors to shape your career.

Go beyond technical skills & ace the interviews

Data shows that hiring managers are looking for more than technical skills. Structured thinking and problem-solving skills are among the leading non-technical skills where most tech job applicants fail.

Our Training Fills the Gaps!

Our data analytics training syllabus goes beyond the technical skills and focuses also on the skills that hiring managers are actually looking for- communication, problem-solving and strategic thinking. Plumlogixu’s training builds a complete analytical mindset in our graduates.

You’ll learn from a collection of videos, review insights from industry experts like McKinsey, and handle project and case studies from leading institutions like Harvard Business School.

Data Analytics

What You’ll Learn

Our industry experts have crafted a syllabus that captures everything employers are looking for besides technical skills. Our learning materials are a combination of articles, case studies, videos, hands-on projects, and career-related coursework.

Data Analytics

Real Projects Sourced from The Best Institutions

Before graduation from Plumlogixu, you’ll have to complete at least a real-life data analytics project which you can show to your future employers. These are some of the best projects built to reinforce certain key concepts in data analytics.

Take advantage of 1-1 mentorship

Our 1-1 mentor training helps you build your career faster and promotes your career with industry insights and guidance. Mentors also help you remain accountable and keeps you on the right track, train you on how to ace your interviews as well as train you on how to negotiate the salary you deserve.

Our students have been hired by some of the best organizations in the world

Best Bootcamp Ever!

I enjoyed learning at Plumlogix during last year's summer. They have some of the best mentors and student coaches I have met. The courses offered in Bootcamp format are very informative, comprehensive, and industry-oriented. I got my first data analytics job 4 months post-graduation.
Jessy Rickson
Data Analyst Graduate, 2020


The full tuition fees for the Data Analytics bootcamp is $5,500. Upfront payments attracts a discount of up to $500. Monthly payments are allowed at the rate of $1000. Deferred tuition option is unavailable but will be launched in soon.

Tuition Summary
Duration6-7 Months
Job GuaranteeYes

Ready or in doubts?

Ready to enroll for this career-changing data analytics bootcamp? Enroll now below. If you are not sure if this program is right for you, schedule a call and we will reach out and help you assess your specific career goals.