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Ready to Hack Your Way into Cybersecurity? Learn These 5 Programming Languages First

Ready to Hack Your Way into Cybersecurity? Learn These 5 Programming Languages First

Ready to Hack Your Way into Cybersecurity? Learn These 5 Programming Languages First

Are you considering a career in cybersecurity but don’t know where to start? Well, look no further! One of the most important skills you’ll need as a cybersecurity professional is proficiency in cybersecurity programming languages.

Knowing the right programming languages can help you in a variety of cybersecurity roles, including penetration testing, network analysis, and software development.

In this article, we’ll explore eight programming languages for cybersecurity experts use and recommend.

Can You Join Cybersecurity Without Knowledge of The Programming Languages Used by Cybersecurity Analysts?

Many aspiring cybersecurity professionals wonder whether knowing a programming language is essential to succeed in the industry.

The good news is that for entry-level cybersecurity positions, high-level programming language knowledge is not always necessary, as most of the tasks associated with such positions do not require programming skills.

However, if you aim to advance your career beyond an entry-level position, then learning cybersecurity programming languages is essential, as it is often required for higher-up positions.

Therefore, while programming may not be necessary for entry-level positions, it is still a valuable skill to have if you want to grow and advance in the industry.

Top 8 programming languages for cybersecurity analysts you must learn

We’ve compiled a list of eight programming languages that cybersecurity experts use and recommend. For each language, we have provided:

  • an overview
  • applications in cybersecurity
  • key concepts to focus on
  • the jobs you can apply for


Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language that is easy to learn and has a wide range of applications. In cybersecurity, Python is used for tasks such as network scanning, penetration testing, and malware analysis.

Key concepts to focus on when learning Python include data structures, object-oriented programming, and libraries such as Scapy and BeautifulSoup. After mastering Python, you can apply for jobs such as cybersecurity analyst, software developer, and penetration tester.


JavaScript is a high-level programming language that is primarily used for building dynamic web applications. In cybersecurity, JavaScript is used for tasks such as scripting and automating web-based attacks, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF).

Key concepts to focus on when learning JavaScript include functions, arrays, and event handling. After mastering JavaScript, you can apply for jobs such as cybersecurity analyst, web application developer, and penetration tester.


PHP is a server-side scripting language that is widely used for web development. In cybersecurity, PHP is used for tasks such as developing secure web applications and building security tools.

Key concepts to focus on when learning PHP include data types, functions, and database integration. After mastering PHP, you can apply for jobs such as web application developer, software developer, and cybersecurity analyst.


SQL is a programming language used for managing and querying data in relational databases. In cybersecurity, SQL is used for tasks such as database security, vulnerability assessment, and data analysis.

Key concepts to focus on when learning SQL include data types, data manipulation, and data normalization. After mastering SQL, you can apply for jobs such as database administrator, cybersecurity analyst, and data analyst.


Assembly is a low-level programming language that is used for tasks such as reverse engineering and exploit development. In cybersecurity, Assembly is used for tasks such as developing custom exploits and analyzing malware.

Key concepts to focus on when learning Assembly include registers, instructions, and system calls. After mastering Assembly, you can apply for jobs such as reverse engineer, exploit developer, and malware analyst.


C is a low-level programming language that is widely used for system-level programming. In cybersecurity, C is used for tasks such as developing operating systems, firmware, and other system-level software.

Key concepts to focus on when learning C include pointers, memory management, and system calls. After mastering C, you can apply for jobs such as system software developer, reverse engineer, and cybersecurity analyst.


Last on the list of programming languages for cybersecurity is C++, an object-oriented programming language widely used for developing high-performance software.

In cybersecurity, C++ is used for tasks such as reverse engineering and exploit development.

Key concepts to focus on when learning C++ include classes, inheritance, and memory management. After mastering C++, you can apply for jobs such as software developer, reverse engineer, and cybersecurity analyst.


Ruby is a dynamic, interpreted programming language that’s widely used in cybersecurity for scripting, automation, and building command-line tools. It’s great for automating tasks such as vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and malware analysis.

If you’re interested in learning Ruby for cybersecurity, you’ll want to become familiar with the Ruby programming language itself, including its syntax and structure, as well as common Ruby gems used in cybersecurity such as Metasploit and Nmap. Learning Ruby can open up a variety of career paths in the cybersecurity field, including penetration testing, security analysis, and security engineering. Although learning Ruby for cybersecurity can be challenging, it’s a great language to start with if you’re new to programming.

Where Can you learn these programming languages for free?

As an aspiring cybersecurity student, you have a wealth of resources available to you online to learn these cybersecurity programming languages. Here are some suggestions for fun and effective ways to learn these languages:

  1. Python: Start with Python for Everybody, a course series by Dr. Chuck Severance available on Coursera. This course teaches Python from the ground up, and even includes a project where you build a web crawler. For more advanced topics, check out Python’s official documentation or attend online Python coding bootcamps.
  2. JavaScript: Codecademy is a great resource for learning JavaScript. The site offers interactive coding exercises and projects that make learning fun and engaging. Another great resource is freeCodeCamp, which offers a comprehensive JavaScript curriculum and coding challenges.
  3. PHP: Codecademy also offers a PHP course that is perfect for beginners. Additionally, W3Schools has a comprehensive PHP tutorial that covers everything from the basics to advanced concepts.
  4. SQL: For SQL, check out Khan Academy’s Intro to SQL: Querying and Managing Data course, which covers the basics of SQL in a fun and interactive way. You can also explore Udacity’s SQL for Data Analysis course, which teaches SQL in the context of data analysis.
  5. Assembly: Assembly is a challenging language to learn, but you can start with resources like the Assembly Language Adventures tutorial series on YouTube or the book “Programming from the Ground Up” by Jonathan Bartlett. Additionally, reverse engineering challenges on sites like Hack The Box or OverTheWire can help you put your Assembly skills to the test.
  6. C: For C, start with the free online book “The C Programming Language” by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie. The book is considered a classic in the field and is a great resource for learning C from the ground up. You can also check out tutorials and exercises on sites like HackerRank or CodeWars.
  7. C++: For C++, check out TheCherno’s YouTube series on C++ programming, which covers everything from the basics to advanced topics like game development. You can also explore Udemy’s C++ programming courses or check out the C++ documentation on the official website.
  8. Ruby: There are many resources available online where you can learn Ruby for free. A few options to get you started include Codecademy and Ruby Monk. Codecademy offers a free interactive Ruby course where you can learn the basics of Ruby programming. Ruby Monk is a free interactive tutorial that offers a step-by-step guide to learning Ruby.

How Much Does a Cybersecurity Analyst Make on Average?

While the average salary of a cybersecurity analyst in the US is $82,609, as per Glassdoor’s statistics, it is important to note that salaries for cybersecurity jobs can vary significantly depending on various factors such as the industry, company, level of education, and experience.

Which programming languages are commonly utilized by hackers in cyber attacks?

Well, it turns out that the most common languages used by hackers are C and C++. These languages are low-level, which allows hackers to bypass security measures and gain access to systems with ease. Plus, they have many built-in functions that can speed up the development process.

What is the ideal programming language for aspiring cybersecurity professionals to learn first?

If you’re new to programming, you can start with Python or JavaScript. Both of these languages are widely used in the industry, and there are tons of resources available online to help you get started quickly.


As you can see, there are many cybersecurity programming languages for cybersecurity students and experts to master. By learning these languages and mastering their key concepts, you can increase your chances of success in the field. So, what are you waiting for?

Start learning these programming languages today and take the first step towards an exciting career in cybersecurity!

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